
Presentations & Publications

Exploring the benefits of DIY digital Interpretation

MCN 2017

Having little (or no) budget or a lack of technical skills does not mean you can't create meaningful digital interpretation. During this multi-person panel, I shared ways to create conservation videos using powerpoint and mobile gallery audio tours with youtube. We also broke into smaller groups and developed a list of DIY resources anyone can use. Check the list out and add your own resources!

Digital Labels at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Digital Labels at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Off the Wall: Examining In-gallery Digital Interpretation

MCN 2017

How do we define in-gallery digital interpretation? What is the role of digital interpretation? What voice should be used? How should digital interpretive products be installed? How does an institution measure success? How can we develop a common language? These were just some of the questions we tackled during a panel session I chaired at the Museum Computer Network's 2017 annual meeting which included five case studies by panelists representing a range of institution types and departments.

Visitors capture Instagrams of mathematical models at the Phillips Collection, 2015.

Visitors capture Instagrams of mathematical models at the Phillips Collection, 2015.

Instagram as an Interpretive Tool? A Case Study

Mcn 2015

At the Museum Computer Network's 2015 conference, I shared an experimental interpretation project I created for Man Ray—Human Equations, an exhibition at The Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C.. We created a special Instagram account and set up iPods in an exhibition gallery to allow visitors to try their hand at capturing photos of mathematical models, just like the photographer Man Ray and sharing them with #InstaManRay or @InstaManRay2015.